The Art of Andamento: Curriculum for Mosaic supports new and developing mosaic artists who seek to integrate and reinforce their knowledge and skills through a considered online learning program delivered through the Andamento Academy.
The curriculum will consolidate, connect and extend students’ understanding of mosaic art by guiding them through a sequential and layered program, explicitly teaching vital skills and techniques whilst also positioning mosaic knowledge within a broader framework of history, culture and visual arts. |
HEPWORTH STUDIOSCaitlin Hepworth is a qualified Visual Art teacher with extensive experience teaching in schools, museums and galleries around NSW.
Tuition is available in her studio in Woodford NSW as well as Online. |
MOSAIC ARTS ONLINEMosaic Arts Online is the worlds premier online learning platform for mosaics. It offers a broad range of course for students with minimal experience right though to more advanced students.
I have been fortunate to develop two courses for MAO and am working on my third which is to be launched late 2021. SEE MORE ABOUT MY MOSAIC ARTS ONLINE COURSES BELOW |
I’ve downloaded this course and it’s brilliant. I learnt so much and really appreciated Caitlins’ demonstrations, explanations and her thinking ‘out loud’ as she worked through each part. A great course and highly recommend it.
Anne Allen
See images of Anne's beautiful work below.
Testimonial on Sculptural Mosaics
'I had contemplated doing a mosaic sculpture but had no idea of how to proceed. Then Caitlin’s course appeared on MAO. After viewing the intro video and further investigating Caitlin’s work online, I was confident that I would be learning from a master and the investment in this course would be worth it. I was right. This course is comprehensive and it highlights integrity in every phase: planning, form construction, colour considerations, tile placement, and finishing. It draws on concepts and skills I have learned in other courses and kicks them to new levels in this exciting 3-D application. I highly recommend this excellent course to anyone considering sculptural mosaics.'
Betty Cleffman Hager
See images of Betty's beautiful work below.
Testimonial on Sculptural Mosaics
Wonderful course. You stress the importance of all the pre-planning that ends up making the process much more straightforward and the final piece has more potential to be what you hoped for. I can tend to shoot from the hip more I think because I haven’t had art training to really understand all the components of process. You lay out visualizing your piece and getting it on paper. I absolutely will spend more time doing this going forward.
Love your work. Great teacher.
Thank you.
Cynthia Haines